In Memoriam
Laura Thomsson was a founding member of Garden State German Shepherd Rescue in 2003. Throughout the years Laura held many positions with GSGSR ranging from volunteer to board member and general secretary. Laura was instrumental in teaching many members the intricacies of evaluating and temperament testing German Shepherds.
Laura touched many lives and if not for her hard work and dedication, many of the dogs at GSGSR may never have made it out of a shelter into their forever homes. She also had a soft spot for senior dogs and was a protector and friend for many special need dogs that have come through the GSGSR program. These are just some of the dogs that Laura helped over the years. She was a big fan of collies and was active in collie rescue as well. Laura had a big heart, her spirit will live on in the lives she touched and saved. Sadly, Laura passed away in 2015 but her legacy will continue through Garden State German Shepherd Rescue.